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If you want learn for hobby, yes its a good startand really powerfull for creating simple to complex programs I am generally using for INSAR datas.

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Kinda worth.

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Yes, python is fun to learn, and you can make many things with ease unless you want to make GUI application go for C# or learn both

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Python is really cool for fast and easy scripting and it has a huge  community behind, so tons of libraries are available 


Maybe it's not the best one but there are lots of places where they use it just because it's  everywhere

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Ofc course python is a very powerfull language it's just the case here but most developers make their checkers on C++ and C# because they are working on windows but you can of course make them on python and it will be worth it since the checker would be used in any os but yeah peoples are more of UI friends so they prefer it more than a terminal based checker which would be the case if you used Python.

Imo just go for it I'm doing the same these days.(I made a proxy scrapper as a start it was totally worth it trust me)

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python easy to learn but the coding style is diffrent from other coding langs

but u should learn python

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