Oxyde 258 [align=center] [/align] Since its new year ( Happy new year all :fiesta: ) I suggest that we add some new emotes and update the old ones :comfy: ( to celebrate :kappa: ) . In fact i searched for some emotes & here's what i found ( the ones that i liked to most :10: ) [align=center] [/align] 1/ :kek: updated to GIF version : [align=center] [/align] 2/ :dab: GIF (new pepe dab emote , i know people still dabbing in 2k19 :kek: ) : [align=center] [/align] 3/ :doge: : [align=center] [/align] 4/ :facepalm: : [align=center] [/align] 5/ :money: GIF : [align=center] [/align] 6/ :matrix GIF : [align=center] [/align] 7/ get the :pepo: back ? [align=center] Add your favourite emoji here too guys <3 . [/align] [align=center] [/align] @Am1nol, @Jocker, @POP, @SDS Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abu Umar 242 https://hattie.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8345163e269e201b8d235e27f970c-pi[/img] https://discordemoji.com/assets/emoji/monkaShoot.gif[/img] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Am1nol 257 [align=center] [/align] Since its new year ( Happy new year all :fiesta: ) I suggest that we add some new emotes and update the old ones :comfy: ( to celebrate :kappa: ) . In fact i searched for some emotes & here's what i found ( the ones that i liked to most :10: ) [align=center] [/align] 1/ :kek: updated to GIF version : [align=center] [/align] 2/ :dab: GIF (new pepe dab emote , i know people still dabbing in 2k19 :kek: ) : [align=center] [/align] 3/ :doge: : [align=center] [/align] 4/ :facepalm: : [align=center] [/align] 5/ :money: GIF : [align=center] [/align] 6/ :matrix GIF : [align=center] [/align] 7/ get the :pepo: back ? [align=center] Add your favourite emoji here too guys <3 . [/align] [align=center] [/align] You can stop quoting staff in your posts... It's annoying Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stephanny 107 I don't like your new ones emotes :pepeokay: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites