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ribthegreat993 - Active Member Application

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Dear Moderator,

I would love to become a active member to the this community i bring all sorts of things such as cracking and coding. My main areas is coding VB and C# and cracking .Net applications. I know i have a warning of 40% but im so sorry about  that because i did not know when i posted a thread i could not do that.


My most popular threads:

  1.  At least 2 days on forum -- I have been on for 4days 11hours :pogchamp:
  2. At least 15 posted thread -- 204 :kek:
  3. A thread to post ratio of 1:7-- Yeet :hype:
  4. Warning Level -- its 40% but that should be alright cause i was dumb at the time :monkas:
  5. Not a leecher -- Am i a leecher lol :??: sike no


I hope you read this thread. Thanks :fine:

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Denied due to high warning level, you may re-apply when it expires.

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