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N0VAs Ban Appeal

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Ban date: 12/25/2018


Reason of the ban: Multi-Accounting?


Who banned you: Royals


Did you read the forum rules after being banned: Yea but I already knew them. 


Why do you think that you should be unbanned: Because I have a Single account.... I don't flood with garbage..... I just logged in after being away for a while.... I don't post virus' content & only post threads when I have something worth offering (Also cause I just got enough for My Membership Here)


Additional information: it's Christmas, Unban Me Plz lol xD

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@UnBanN0VA Why don't you try again, perhaps don't lie about things which are proven 100%. You are a multi-accounter, you used these accounts to boost for credits which you sent to your main account through an alt with no posts.


You have once last reply to get it right and own up to everything you did.

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Banned your multis, wiped your credits to 0 and unbanned your main account. Don't do any of that shit again or your next ban is going to stay. Merry christmas

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