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some weird but Ok suggestions

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Automatically give members awards 


allow us to post images on shoutbox 



M O R E . E M O T E S.



doing jobs for credits (idk how but ok )


CLANS/groups ( pay a XXXX Amount of credits to maake a clan/group every month the most active groups (top 5 ) get a reward  , every month the group statistics reset so that others get a chance to compete )



(idk how you gonna make the groups but yea GL also of you make this thing come true make a /gc for group chat )


Thx for your time, these were weird but ok suggestions BYE



BUY RANK SO YOU CAN SEE WHATS HIDDEN :D and if you are drunk and have alot of money buy me one too thx bye[/align]


:kek: hi bitch


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I wanna check that hidden content very baddly then I will re-edit this post for additional feedback (better for it to be good   :pepegun: )




  • Ok so awards automatically? Umm we already got this for some awards but for the others still staff n admins need to confirm them to prevent random bois from getting the awards, like the case for Exclusive releases.
  • Image on the shoutbox? Ummm that would ruin it and make it spammy. (Think about a guy that just got banned and he rejoin back to spam porn pics ....  :fuck: )
  • What would be the benefit of a group/clan system in a cracking forum? 

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Awards is there already.

Images on the shoutbox: makes it look spammy.

Group/clan system: crap idea.


Besides if you upgrade you don't need to post to see the contents of a hide tag.

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