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C# Encryptions Methods [HELP]

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Well I'm willing to post some checkers made by me for the community but I wanna make sure that they are secured enought so they don't get decompiled/unpacked easily. I heared about ConfuserEx and that's what I'm actually using but I don't think it's strong enough, so any suggestion? Oh Also something called KoiVM prevent from decompiling softwares but I got no idea where toget it or how to use it. So any help would be appreciated.

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  On 12/19/2018 at 4:47 PM, Forlax said:

Well I'm willing to post some checkers made by me for the community but I wanna make sure that they are secured enought so they don't get decompiled/unpacked easily. I heared about ConfuserEx and that's what I'm actually using but I don't think it's strong enough, so any suggestion? Oh Also something called KoiVM prevent from decompiling softwares but I got no idea where toget it or how to use it. So any help would be appreciated.



Obfuscators, Confusers, Junk code adders, Code virtualization.


Google that, hope I was able to help :)

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