PsychoSellz 7 [hide]There Are A Many Types Of Proxies But In This Tutorial I Will Discuss only 1 of them. 1. HTTP (The One i will talk about now) 2.Socks 5 3. Socks 4 4.Backrotating Proxies Lets Begin With HTTP There Are Three Types of http proxies 1. Elite: Using an elite proxy is the most advanced degree of security as it provides the best protection and privacy on the Internet. Elite proxies are your ideal disguise. This means that you leave no traces of using a proxy server. Your IP address will be fully hidden. The HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION and HTTP_VIA headers are not forwarded at all. A host is not communicated either an IP address or a usage of the proxy. In this regard, elite proxies excel other proxy servers. Elite proxies have a shortcoming: The REMOTE_ADDR header saves a proxy's IP-address. So, when forwarding packets of cookies stored from your surfing without an elite proxy, websites will not identify you. Want to avoid this? Clean cache and cookies in advance. 2.Anoymous:As for caching, anonymous proxies have the same strengths as transparent servers. Besides, they offer another undeniable advantage represented in their name, that is, anonymity. The number of anonymity proxy users is heavily increasing, since confidentiality on the Internet means that your computer is secured from hacking, data loss/corruption and other malicious actions. Anonymous proxies hide user info during web surfing, and randomly modify an IP-address. The resulting IP-address is not registered anywhere due to a simple fact: the value of HTTP_X_FORWARDER_FOR is not forwarded to the end-website. Impressive, isn’t it? Anonymous proxies forward these data packets: REMOTE_ADDR shows up proxy’s IP HTTP_VIA shows a proxy software being used HTTP_X_FORWARDER_FOR gives your IP address to a proxy. However, all header lines are filled in just “to check the box” and include no true information. And this just fits the bill for many users! 3.Transparent:Transparent proxies are standard proxy servers that do not alter user information and leave it in its original format. So, they reveal IP addresses. Transparent proxies handle all HTTP traffic, and a user need not adjust any personal settings. These proxies enable a user to accelerate access to websites defined by him - mostly, to frequently visited locations. Performance is increased by caching content. Transparent proxies commonly operate faster than elite and anonymous proxy servers as they reduce upstream bandwidth usage. Employers apply this kind of proxies for restricting access to specific resources (social networks, etc.). Its key drawback is a low level of anonymity. Transparent proxies are mainly used for driving up counter’s values, downloading files from file hosting services, and for blocking local firewalls. Transparent proxies pass HTTP-headers in about the following way: REMOTE_ADDR shows up proxy’s IP HTTP_VIA shows a proxy software being used HTTP_X_FORWARDER_FOR gives your IP address to a proxy. Variable _X_ in the line means its usage is not obligatory. Though Squid and other prominent proxy servers widely use this variable. I ALWAYS RECOMMAND TO USE ELITE AND ANOYMOUS For Cracking IN CONCLUSION: THIS SHOULD GIVE YOU ENOUGH UNDERSTANDING OF PROXIES.I RECOMMAND FOR FREE GUYS TO GO TO IN MY NEXT TUTORIAL ON PROXIES I WILL TALK ABOUT SOCKS 5 SO FOR NOW HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON [/hide] 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yogba 1 Hope that these proxies works for Sentry bec most of them keep giving me errors Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peoplehate 2 thanks man, hope to learn something new Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
realrssk 0 Hopefully this is good because I need good ones :c Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites