cloud9factor 6 Hello guys, cloud9factor here. Before we start, you need to know that this is going to be a really big tutorial. This tutorial is exclusive to and you will not find in any other forum! You will need 2 things before you start reading this tutorial 1. Patience. 2. Time. This tutorial will be updated with another methods. I hope you learn something and enjoy the reading. I tried to make the easiest way possible for everyone to understand. All tools used in this tutorial are available to download at the end with correspondent VirusTotal scan. Let's begin? First of all you need to identify the type of hash you have! We are going to do that by using a Hash Identifier.[/img] As you can see in the gif, we found a MD5 and a MySQL hash. To make it easier for you guys to understand, im going to decrypt these 2 hashed combos (MD5 & MySQL) with you, and go step by step so you can understand! LET'S GO! :hype: Method 1 [hide] FindMyHash - Decrypts MD5 In my opinion, this is the best free tool right now to decrypt MD5. Its kinda fast, the database is big and it allows you to export found and not found. Let's start decrypting one of the hashed combos, in this case the MD5.[/img] As you can see, FindMyHash decrypted 80% of the hashes :feelsgood: That leaves us with 296 email:hash to find! If you want you can delete the original mail:hash (in my case i named my file, as you can see in the gif, "mail.hash 1 MD5"). From now on we are going to use the "not found.txt". Now, we are going to Method 2 to decrypt the rest.[/hide] Method 2 [hide]Hash Cracker Lite v1.3.2 - Decrypts MD5 & SHA1 This tool is good, but its a 'free version' so probably a lot of the hashes are going to the private file forcing you to buy the PRO version. However, sometimes i use it just to decrypt a little more and another reason that you are going to see in the Method 3. Lets see how this tool works with the "not found.txt". See? As i said, almost all of the hashes went to the PRO version. However we were able to decrypt 39. That still leaves us with 256 MD5 hash to decrypt. Now in the folder that we opened in the 'Hash Cracker Lite' you are going to copy "good.txt" and "bad.txt", and paste them in the folder that contains "found.txt" and "not found.txt" that we created in the previous gif. The "good.txt" we are later going to combine with the "found.txt". The "bad.txt" is now the file with mail.hash that we are going to decrypt in the Method 3. [/hide] Method 3 [hide] Hashkiller Helper - Decrypts MD5, SHA1 & NTLM This tool is a very, very good! They use the database that its HUGE and its daily updated! They have a DeathbyCaptcha plugin that solves the captchas (not tested this dbc - if you have and account and can lend me to test or test yourself, let me know!) However, its an old tool and needs an update so there are a few problems that we need to adress before using this tool! 1 - You MUST USE this tool with VPN or in a RDP. Cause if you end up using too much of this tool, will ban you IP! That will disable the abiity of the tool to decrypt the hashes. 2 - Since its using the decrypter format, that only allows 64 hash at a time, the tool will only be able to decrypt 64 hash at a time. 3 - If your "bad.txt" or "not found.txt" with hashes is still pretty big, decrypting them will be very time cosuming, cause every 64 hashes you will have to solve a captcha. 4 - However, the main problem of this tool is that after you finish decrypting, you wont be able to retrieve the "Not Found" hashes in the tool. This is the reason why i always leave this tool to last. BUT, if you liked this tool and if you have the DeathbyCaptcha account, there is a way to retrieve the "Not Found" with a different tool. But im going to make a tutorial in the end of the topic to show you guys how to do it. Lets see how this tool works with the 256 mail.hash that we still have to find.[/img] Now you will copy the 'Results' into a notepad and save it. As you can see the tool decrypted 230 out of the 256 hashes. Leaving us with 26, however we cant copy from the tool the 26 not found. But you might say: "But 26 its a really small number to care!". I agree with you! But what if it was 1000, 10000 Not Found? This is the problem with this tool. But, as i said ii will make a tutorial in the end of this topic on how to resolve this problem. Now, you used the 3 methods to crack your MD5 mail.hash combo,you will have 3 txt files. In the end of this tutorial im going to teach you how to combine them! [/hide] Method 4 [hide] Hashkiller Online Tool, InsidePro Hash Finder and Passwords Pro. - Decrypts ALL Hashes! Since we decrypted 99% of the MD5. We are going to decrypt now the MySQL mail.hash that we identified in the beginning. Now you have to understand that there are not a lot of tools to decrypt MySQL, like there are to MD5. So we are probably have a harder time to decrypt 99%, we might not even be able to make it that high porcentage! In this method we use 3 different tools so it can get a bit tricky to explain, so im going to break it into 5 parts so you can understand it better! PART 1 - Using Hashkiller Online Tool to divide the mail from the hash We need to use this tool, because the decrypter we are going to use doesnt recognize mail:hash, only recognizes hash. So we have to separate the mail from the hash first. For that we use the hashkiller tool that its pretty easy.[/img] After you split them you have to copy only the hashes. So now we have to get these hashes that we copied to the InsidePro Hash Finder. PART 2 - InsidePro Hash Finder to decrypt the hashes InsidePro its a website that decrypts the hashes in a lot of formats. It allows the maximum of 25.000. However its a free tool, so a lot of the hashes will go to the private folder that you can only decrypt by paying. But its still worth it to use it! Paste only the Hashes in the InsidePro, solve the recaptcha and Search for the Hashes.[/img] So the InsidePro Hash Finder decrypted 4817 hashes. However we dont know to which email the password belongs to. For that we will need the PasswordPro. But first we need to separate the Hash from the password. PART 3 - HashKiller Online Tool to separate the HASH from the PASS Its just the same as the Part 1[/img] Now you are going to save ONLY the decrypted password in a txt so that way we can open in the PasswordPro PART 4 - Using PasswordPro to find which password belongs to which email. Im going to show the gif, but i will detail step by step on how to do it. Step 1: Go to the Settings, Click on 'Dictionaries' and add the .txt file with the password that you saved! Step 2: Import the user.hash file to the PasswordPro Step 3: Select the type of hash(in this case MySQL) and the line format(In this case username:hash) Step 4: Go to attack type and select 'Simple Dictionary Attack' Step 5: Them click on 'Run Attack from Start' After that the PasswordPro will find out which password belongs to which email. PART 5 - Exporting the found and not found with Password Pro. Now we are going to export the found and the not found The not found is Username and Hash, always remember to EXPORT THE NOT FOUND!!!! THERE IS ANOTHER METHOD TO DECRYPT THE HASHES! So we had a 10801 mail.hash and we were able to decrypt 5560 (50%). But we can improve this porcentage a little bit more with the next Method![/hide] Method 5 [hide] Password Pro with Simple Dictionary Attack - Decrypts ALL Hashes! This method is easy, but its hard. Because to work you will need to have a wordlist with the password that you want to find! There are a lot of wordlists in the internet and they can be pretty big (up to 96gb) and even them, if the password is not in the worldlist you will not decrypt it! The worldlist that i am going to use is the wordlist that provides in their website. It has a lot of good passwords. You can find the wordlist that i used to download here: However in the end of this method i will provide you a few links to download good worldlist to give it a try! Lets start! The ones that i am going to use are the 'Hashkiller Passwords' and the 'HashKiller Output Wordlist'. If you download the PyscOPacK v2 make sure you have space on your computer or VM cause they are 37gb when you extract! Lets try this now. Lets go Step by Step Step 1: Open the 'Settings' and go to Dictionary. Delete the file in there (you can leave the file, however i know all passwords in there will be useless cause we already tried them, so i deleted because if i leave it it will check that file and take a little longer) and open the wordlist that you downloaded! (in this case i used 2). Step 2: Go to the main page and delete all the user (You can also leave it, it will decrypt) Step 3: If you deleted, like i did, go and Import the "not found.txt" that we saved earlier. Step 4: Make sure the attack type is 'Simple Dictionary Attack' Step 5: Click on 'Run the attack from start' Now, you will also save the found and the not found. Look at the second gif, of the PART 5 from the Method 4. As you can see, we were able to find 1165 password out of 5241 that we had in the 'not found.txt'. We can find a lot more. However, you will need different worldlists As promised here are a few links for you to find wordlists 1- 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - But know that Password Pro only recognizes .txt and .dic extension!!! Some wordlists are .lst that PasswordPro will not recognize! [/hide] Method 6 [hide] Paying and Asking for Help - Decrypts ALL Hashes I leave this Method for last cause it requires you to pay or requires the help of others. Part 1: Paying to decrypt hashes I recommend that you use the InsidePro Hash Finder Client. Their database is big, the price is very low(1$ for 500k hashes :kek: ) and they decrypt pretty much all the formats that you are going to find. But you can also look it up at the marketplace of the forum, sometimes there are people that offer their services to decrypt for a few bucks. A few examples of dehashing services in the marketplace are: Link 1: Part 2: Asking for help of other You can ask for help in the "Cracking Help" area of the forum. But what i really recommend is that you ask for help in the HashKiller forum, their forum is very active and they really help if you need! But remember to only post your HASH, however you are literally giving away your combo![/hide] Method 7 [hide]UNDER CONSTRUCTION - will be updated[/hide] Questions you might have! [hide]1- "I did Method 1, 2 and 3 now i have 3 separate txt files! How do i combine them??" Under Construction! 2 - "You said you were going to show us how to retrieve the 'Not found' from the Hashkiller Helper tool! Where is that tutorial?" Under Construction! 3 - "Help me! I found 4 different types of MD5 in the InsidePro! What do i do???" Under Construction! 4- "But my combo its 50000! How do i decrypt them if InsidePro only allows maximum of 25000???" Under Construction![/hide] Downloads Links! [hide]1 - FindMyHash Link: VT: 2 - Hash Identifier Link: VT: 3 - HashKiller Helper Link: VT: 4 - HashCracker Lite 1.3.2 Link: VT: 5 - PasswordPRO Link: VT: 6 - Combos used in this tutorial (MD5 and MySQL) Link: VT: 7 - HashKiller Online Tool Link: 8 - InsidePro Hash Finder Link: EVEN THOUGH ITS CLEAN! ITS BETTER TO USE EVERYTHING ON RDP, VM![/hide] Please leave a LIKE! Dont be a LEECHER! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skrookie 3 This will prove extremely useful and I think I'll be able to help out more when I get the hang of this. I've left my like, brother. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
makriqforroqsos 4 This will prove extremely useful and I think I'll be able to help out more when I get the hang of this. I've left my like, brother. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
homertuti 2 Thanks For This Great Share. Really Appreciate Your Hard Work! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2017imesh 2 :pupper: :pupper: :pupper: :pupper: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theknight 0 okay im using password pro and hash finder lets see if i get some new info here cool Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrackedToZul 3 This can help me decrypt a couple of hashes thanks genuinely! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nikola Tesla 6 I'm getting a really low success rate with ORHT. I will try to see if I can get more passwords with your method. Thanks! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deviltutti 3 Thanks For This Great Share. Really Appreciate Your Hard Work! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jhonkrasenstov 2 Hello guys, cloud9factor here. Before we start, you need to know that this is going to be a really big tutorial. This tutorial is exclusive to and you will not find in any other forum! You will need 2 things before you start reading this tutorial 1. Patience. 2. Time. This tutorial will be updated with another methods. I hope you learn something and enjoy the reading. I tried to make the easiest way possible for everyone to understand. All tools used in this tutorial are available to download at the end with correspondent VirusTotal scan. Let's begin? First of all you need to identify the type of hash you have! We are going to do that by using a Hash Identifier.[/img] As you can see in the gif, we found a MD5 and a MySQL hash. To make it easier for you guys to understand, im going to decrypt these 2 hashed combos (MD5 & MySQL) with you, and go step by step so you can understand! LET'S GO! :hype: Method 1 Please leave a LIKE! Dont be a LEECHER! Fucking a thank you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jay12152 1 I hope that I atleast can learn something new.thx Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ABC549 2 this looks interesting and will definitely be useful Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Budder 0 Thanks so much hoolly shit good job this is the shit Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites