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Change warning types

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Right now there's the following warning types:



I personally never use the spamming/ flaming one. 


I rather see in the place of those two warning types the following two:


Wrong Language (Non English) - Read

Cash link - Read


I see those two much more then spamming / flaming since I use the "Low quality posts" for spamming as well. 


Also would it be possible to have custom pm's for every warning type? Right now we have to write each pm manually but it would be soo much easier if there was just a standard pm for every warning type already and you just have to add or remove a few things.



Let me know what you think about it!

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@am1nol Accepted and implemented, let me know if you need to me to add any more additional warning types. I have removed flaming but kept spamming as it seems like it could be used in the future. About custom PM's, I don't believe we can add any option there but it might be possible with a simple JavaScript drop down plug-in to auto fill out the box message. I have messaged a friend who knows JS, going to hope he can give me some resources for quickly doing this but he's not very active so who knows when he'll get back to me.

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I personally always use the "Low Quality Posts" warning when someone's spamming. Since in my eyes it's kind of the same.


Thank you for the other changes though!

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