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Spotify Family Question

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I read a while ago that family Spotify accounts you can join and so you can be lowkey and not get them to change the password


How do I go by doing this? I've gone past the invite stage and put in info randomly from the UK (the accounts from the UK) and I always get To join this Family plan, you must live at the same address as the plan owner. Make sure your account's country is correct. Learn How. how do people get the same address as the family account owner?

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Idk, maybe try using a VPN for wherever the family’s address is

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I read a while ago that family Spotify accounts you can join and so you can be lowkey and not get them to change the password


How do I go by doing this? I've gone past the invite stage and put in info randomly from the UK (the accounts from the UK) and I always get To join this Family plan, you must live at the same address as the plan owner. Make sure your account's country is correct. Learn How. how do people get the same address as the family account owner?


IP or address?

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Very good thank you very much

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just register the accounts on same adress. you cant only listen when all at same location. its made for being outside, so doesnt matter where u life

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Is that a new account? Before creating it, make sure you have a VPN set to the same country as the premium account has, so it would match the Country. for Address, just use a random one that is in the same country too.

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Use a VPN and make sure that your Spotify account is also from the same country.

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