Guest Perileos

I'm out

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Guest Perileos

This was coming already some time ago, both @Florain and me knew this already. School is starting in three months and until then I will be working, traveling, preparing for school and enjoying life.


When I went away for 2 years it was a great feeling, no need to have this constant sarcastic cunt behaviour all the time, actual people although some were shit but that doesn't matter. I think it's better for me to completely step away from the entire scene and all forums, besides that I will be ditching my Discord. I have wasted a sufficient amount of time on forums, not just this forum but also others. As I think I started using forums around the time I was 12/13, it's been a very long time I've used forums and spent tons of valuable time. Valuable time in which I could have used to learn more valuable skills. 


I assume majority of you either liked me or hated me, completely understandable. I wasn't a chill dude if I couldn't get along with you and if I could get along with you, I would be a chill dude. 


To be honest, I will probably start some legitimate projects which has always been my intention even when I ran Crackingseal. Dynamic (admin) and me planned to start some legitimate projects but we never got around to do it. I have worked with tons of awesome people in the past such as Dynamic (yes, he ripped me off, but still an awesome guy), @Florain, Cem, Sweden, Rasbora and Justin Poland. But now is the time I go and do something for myself. After all these years I have always needed someone else to help me build something and that's not my way to go. I'm a boss type of person, not an employee type of person and trust me, collaborated projects always turn out in favour of one of the persons and I can't be asked anymore. 


I can fairly say I worked hard on C.TO, I did a lot to improve this board but it just didn't work out. I guess it's time to start working on real companies, in person. First school though.


Thank you and good bye.


- A.

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Good luck with whatever you do @Perileos Farewell.

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You will be missed. Good luck with your adventure into the real world @Perileos .

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Bye Perileos :pepegun:

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:pepe: Don't ditch discord though... Good luck with your upcomming study and travel experience.

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Good Luck @Perileos :D iits been fun talking to you!

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I respect your decision and I think so does everyone here. But, do not ditch your discord and keep in touch we will miss you mate.

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Goodbye, you did a lot for us. Good luck in life! :pepo:

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