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0 to $10,000/0 to 1.0 BTC/0 to Hero Challenge. Join the lounge lets get rich together

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I am inviting you all to join my lounge server where $0 to $10,000 challenge is being held

First to get to $10,000 gets a prize! With prizes in between like smaller milestones

Example: First to $100 gets nitro 1 month for free. etc, more to come


But you have to join in literally on the challenge

Whether it be your broke or just make a new wallet and start the challenge with us

The goal here is to reach $10,000 from nothing. I have already begun it last month and im currently at $1,000 but now im sharing it with to expand


In the server we'll help each other, maybe form new partnerships, or just challenge to see who gets there first

and $10,000 is a big deal. At this moment btc = $10,000 so its also a road to 1.0 BTC.

If you have something to offer, and would like to join in on the chatroom feel free to do so right here: 

You will find methods, and friendly people to help you with the challenge, including me

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Gimme $100 to start I'll have $10K by the end of the day

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