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Legaly earn a lot of money in BitCoin or PayPal (Earn up to 10000$ a year)

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Short Info:

You need two accounts: 

One for generating one for earning 



Short explanation:

Step one: 

You need a 

account and a



Short Guide:


1. with Hitleap you can gain up to 13.500 clicks a day per account

2. you can spend your earned Hitleap clicks on your adfocus links and earn money.


They claim: " Earn up to $6.00 per 1000 visits to your short URLs." 


My tests showed me it's about half as much.


Advanced Guide:

1. You download the Hitleap program for windows/ubuntu (you could use a raspberry pi) to generate about 2700 clicks a day.

2. You shorten any link you want on and copy this link in you Hitleap account. 

3. You can use all your earned Hitleap clicks on to open your links and earn.



-use a vpn service to get multiple sources of clicks

-use a virtual machine to generate multiple amounts of 2700 clicks a day

-use for example a raspberry pi (if you want I will share an advanced guide)

-use multiple hit leap accounts to increase your profits even more

-shrink more than one link on Adfoc to stay undercover. For example just shrink common links like or




I have a lot more tricks to share: let me know if you want to see them or if you want a more in depth guide!


Leechers will get reported!!! Leave a like it it was useful :)

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nice nicne nice czqfqzefq

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nice nicne nice czqfqzefq

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I'm going to try this. Results

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