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[align=center]At the beginning I will say that this is not a 100% automated thing. You have to put in a little work to do something.



So let's start:



In this method, the point is that we go for cryptocurrency faucets.


1. We set up an account at:


2. When we register on the website, enter the faucets and log in using the email from the coinpot:


- Bitcoin Faucet:


- BitcoinCash Faucet:


- Dogecoin Faucet:


- Litecoin Faucet:


- Dash Faucet:


- BitFun: 


- BonusBitcoin: 




If we are interested in only one cryptocurrency, it is possible to exchange several cryptocurrencies into one (for example, dogecoin, litecoin on bitcoin)

We can also store our cryptocurrencies on a coinpot because it is a multiwallet. You can also mine cryptocurrency through the browser. You can also play roulette (which I do not recommend because its risky)



Enjoy this ;]



PS. sorry for my english is not my main language xd[/align]

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