
Do you belive in god?

Do you belive in god?  

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  1. 1. Do you belive in god?

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Hello guys, girls, and diverse

Please take the time and answear the question ;D


I personaly dont belive in god or any other force, but whats about you?

Above the post there is a poll(if i manage to do it) , but please leave a comment aswell ;D


Do you belive in god?

In "which" god you belive? (religion)

Why do(n't) you?

Whats your age range (10-20,20-30...)

What do you think about people who belive (not) in god?

Do you belive in other forces ( not something like physikal ones)


Thankx for answearing i hope you all have a great day ;D


:fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta:

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I feel like most people are converted into christianity out of being scared of death, and wanting to believe there is something there after dying. Because if nothing is there after death, and you just fade into nothing, its kinda depressing. Honestly i could believe that there is a higher being such as God somewhere out there. But as of right now, no. I do not.

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Im between 10-20 y/o and I raised up in a non religious family but I believe in a force. I believe in Satan but not really as a higher force, I see him as patner/friend who dont jugde my way to live and helps me in different situations. But he isn't on my level hes above me, because he "lived" longer and has more experience, so he can guide through any kind of situations. Going the path of life with him feels fantastic, I feel free in what I'm doing and don't really care of any consequences and thats what I really want in my life - feel free in what I'm doing.


If someone ask me about "God" I awnser him that he dont exists for me, because he was never there when I had massive problems (also with myself) and hes responsible for millions of dead people because als the religion wars which "He" caused.


Satan is for me the second dad.

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Im between 10-20 y/o and I raised up in a non religious family but I believe in a force. I believe in Satan but not really as a higher force, I see him as patner/friend who dont jugde my way to live and helps me in different situations. But he isn't on my level hes above me, because he "lived" longer and has more experience, so he can guide through any kind of situations. Going the path of life with him feels fantastic, I feel free in what I'm doing and don't really care of any consequences and thats what I really want in my life - feel free in what I'm doing.


If someone ask me about "God" I awnser him that he dont exists for me, because he was never there when I had massive problems (also with myself) and hes responsible for millions of dead people because als the religion wars which "He" caused.


Satan is for me the second dad.

Lol , So you believe in Satan and don't believe in God

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I'm a nihilistic-solipsistic. Even if I had the proof, I wouldn't believe it.

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why the fuck are people writing paragraphs? It's a yes or no fucking question.

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I personally don't believe in anything, but I was raised as a Christian and around 12 years old I started to "think for myself" and realized there wasn't any proof of any form of existence at all. But hey, if any undeniable proof can be provided I definitely would, I suppose.

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I believe there is something. I'm not qualified to say there is no god, and I'm qualified to say there is either. I'm open to the idea.

Like my idea is, be a good human; we all know what is good or not.

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I believe in God because you have everything to gain if you're right, and nothing to lose if you're wrong

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Im not sure i should ask this..but what the heck

Do you belive in a GOD? as in a higher power than just humans....I think just a yes or no is best for

for me: Im not sure I cant say yes or no for sure hahahaha

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