Sohbanet 3 Hello Ladies & Gents, I'm new here, thanks for having me. I really liked the site and what it has to offer. I noticed some issues with posts, are earning short links allowed? most posts have multiple link masking sites till you get to the actual content. Also some other links lead to outside sites. How is this monitored. I reported a few topics and nothing happened. Thank You. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I4M3l33t 0 I'm also new here and experiencing the same issue. If I find an answer, I will certainly share. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sohbanet 3 i hope someone from site admins or mods can answer on the best way to deal with this issue. Btw welcome to the site I4M3l33t :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I4M3l33t 0 i hope someone from site admins or mods can answer on the best way to deal with this issue. Btw welcome to the site I4M3l33t :) Thanks Sohbanet! There's much to explore and decipher. Not much on any corner of the internet is there anything that I don't figure out myself after a few hours at most. So it would be great to hear what an admin or mod has to input on this issue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sohbanet 3 I'm new here so i don't really know how mods do their work around here, i'm sure their have their real life matters to attend to outside the forums world. But we would like to help this community strive and get bigger. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gabriel_Alert 26 @jocker ^ The message is too short. Please enter a message longer than 10 characters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hans69 199 Ok, reporting someone dosent automatically mean, that we will take action against them. If you report someone and you dont even know the rules yourself, you waste our time. You report random People that didnt even break any rules, what actions should we take against those members just because you reported them. Clearly you have been Leeching and got warned for it, meaning we ARE taking action againt users breaking the Rules. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites