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Learn C# | Crackers/Checkers

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Learn C#   |  Crackers/Checkers


I will provide you with some techniques you may or may not know.

I hope this will help you increase your cpm or your tools functionality.


Anyway lets get started.




Disclaimer i am sorry if this is poorly written and somethings don't seem right.

Im just very high.

Also the code can not just be c & p it will require you to have some knowledge or to know how to google shit.




Many people may not already know that using a thread pool can increase productivity in your tool.

Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Function)); // As You Can See Its just like normal threading
ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(100, 100); // But Except you can expand your Worker Threads and Completion Threads
       //MinThreads      ^^^, ^^^ Completion Threads

It is not recomended to use 200+ threads unless you have a decent rig or rdp


Usually people will

//Have The Thread Started
//Start The Thread Here

//Most popular way people do threading
//Is Using Parallel Options

ParallelOptions parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 200

// You Would need to set MaxDegreeOfParallelism to a number higher than the ammount of threads you are using
// example

//ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(100, 100); so (int, int) left side is minumim worker threads
ParallelOptions parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 200 // So if we set a max ammount so we can make the program more stable

To also expand on the method provided above

you want something now to filter through the lists being accounts to seriels

// What i would do is make parrallel loop through the list
// so we would use a foreach    
// the reason why i put  is because thats what we are working with. 

Parallel.ForEach(list, parallelOptions, delegate(string[] AccList)// Varible

//if Successful then try to display them in console 
                                        //or in a list box if you are using forms
                                      //if there is a error log it either txt or messagebox
                                 //but dont forget to stop the current thread

If you are using forms try this

because it will stop the form from being unresponsive and freeze when threading

var list = new List();
list = File.ReadAllLines(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "combo.txt").ToList();

Task.Run(() =>
    Parallel.For(0, list.Count, new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 300 }, i =>
            //try webrequest
            Console.Writeline("Success: " + list[i]);
        catch (webexception exc)
            //catch fail exception
            Console.WriteLine("Failed: " + list[i]);

Im cutting this guide short but i will eloborate on more usefull code in a new thread

If you learned something or enjoyed my thread

You know what to do


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Learn C#   |  Crackers/Checkers


I will provide you with some techniques you may or may not know.

I hope this will help you increase your cpm or your tools functionality.


Anyway lets get started.



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Nice one! Looks like your are helping others

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Appreciate the tutorial buddy!

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Learn C#   |  Crackers/Checkers


I will provide you with some techniques you may or may not know.

I hope this will help you increase your cpm or your tools functionality.


Anyway lets get started.



And the other one

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let me take a look +like :)

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Learn C#   |  Crackers/Checkers


I will provide you with some techniques you may or may not know.

I hope this will help you increase your cpm or your tools functionality.


Anyway lets get started.




thank you so much bro

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Thanks for the tutorial man :thinking:

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Thanks for this.

Usually, I use VB.Net, but I'll try to learn how to use c# i guess.

I HOPE this a step by step guide with at least some examples of code.

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hope to learn something

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nice work its about time i tryed to learn this....

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