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  1. 100% real took me 11 hours to make it
  2. [hide] i don't know if this will get you banned i used it for along time and didn't get banned const names = ['Test', 'Test...1', 'Test....2', 'Test.....3', '']; // names here const token = ''; // token here const request = require('request-promise'); const serverID = ''; // server id here const discord = require('discord.js'); const bot = new discord.Client(); const invite = ''; let join = false; let counter = 0; bot.on('ready', () => { if (join) { request({ method: 'POST', url: `${invite}`, json: false, headers: { authorization: token } }).catch(e => console.log(e)); } setInterval(() => { request({ url: `${serverID}/members/@me/nick`, method: 'PATCH', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', authorization: token }, json: { nick: names[counter++] } }).then(() => {}).catch(e => {}); if (counter >= names.length) counter = 0; }, 1024); }); bot.login(token); [/hide]
  3. its real ;) if you got server is offline message try again my server crashed yesterday for some reason
  4. literally took me 11 hours to steal fake hack website design to make real hack website **sad life** :pepe: fake website: real website: or do not use HTTPS because of websocket it will give you 1920 - 2222 coins every time you do it limit is 19200 coins / hour works on pc - mobile - android - ios whatever the device is it doesn't really matter if ur using pc version refresh page coins counter is not live for mobile version coins counter is live and you will get spammed with a notification tutorial: ? wtf really ? :??: just copy and paste your account id without dashes press connect to see the most fake queue progress bar ever wait for it to finish then press hack now it will send request to my server with account id after like 10 seconds it will send response back with hacked coins account id example 2864911478 and ofc no human verification like other fake websites and for devs you can make your own website or discord bot by sending requests to my server check main.js file and you will know how it works please don't spam it if you still didn't understand anything just watch this video