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Everything posted by Melodys

  1. Melodys

    Reddit Checker

    thanks my dood hmu on discord
  2. Theres two that i forget the name to
  3. To start off designing is not an easy task to profit from you have to work for it. You may ask where do i start. Good question where i started myself was making premade's i would make some banners for myself or others. after they are made you need to make a portfolio portfolio box is a good one also behance. after you made one post you best work and only your best work in your portfolio remember this is what people look at before hiring you so make it your best. Your done the setup now for the clients the first method is going on twitter and search for "need gfx" then go to all post about people needing gfx and comment your portfolio and tell them to dm you. second method is to go for a recruitment challenge this will bring up your name and shit. Step 3 pricing DO NOT UNDER PRICE YOURSELF. i charge per hour for design think to your self whats your time work, whats your work worth. Thank you so much for reading this hope you all the best of luck.
  4. as he said pretty outdated
  5. Melodys memes

    your mom gey your dad les
  6. Melodys

    Remove shoutbox.

    i think there shouldent be a shoutbox to be honest
  7. nice job homie do good with your rank dont be a dick
  8. damn dude i can never get porn account thanks alot my dood
  9. nice job brother kappa
  10. Melodys

    Remove shoutbox.

    lol thanks so much homie
  11. lol who dot ru omegalol
  12. Melodys memes

    some kid asked if i could crack notepad ++
  13. holy shit this is amazing how you wrote this
  14. Leachers will be reported :) [hide] Programs you need NotePad Brain Fingers Steps First thing you need to do is download the lastest version of photoshop Next login with ur info to start the trial When it runs out locate to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2018\AMT Once in this folder scroll all they way down till you see application.xml Next right click and edit with notepad or whatever text edit your using Once your in it should say adobe trial key Delete 3 numbers from it and add a new 3 numbers Save and re open photoshop it should restart your trial Remember no leaching [/hide]