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Everything posted by TheyCallMeRebel

  1. another great program released by DEOS, keep up the good work
  2. [hide] [/hide]
  3. Due to certain incidents occuring between me and the current staff of I am removing all of my programs from, you can thank Florain for this. I apologize for anyone affected by this but, there is currently alot of drama going on between a group of people that I am involved in and, I recommend to back off before something happens that they don't want to happen
  4. I extremely excited for this, originally deos was planning on selling this, and I was planning on buying it, but now he is making it free to whoever isn't a leecher, which I think is great.
  5. Due to certain incidents occuring between me and the current staff of I am removing all of my programs from, you can thank Florain for this. I apologize for anyone affected by this but, there is currently alot of drama going on between a group of people that I am involved in and, I recommend to back off before something happens that they don't want to happen
  6. Due to certain incidents occuring between me and the current staff of I am removing all of my programs from, you can thank Florain for this. I apologize for anyone affected by this but, there is currently alot of drama going on between a group of people that I am involved in and, I recommend to back off before something happens that they don't want to happen
  7. If you just want to make a quick, simply checker, then python is great at doing that
  8. honestly pornhub premium
  9. Video is great, but the song is meh, Its only good with the video otherwise no replayability
  10. I really hope there is some good python courses on there. much appreciated +1
  11. That link is invalid, im guessing this was sannes old discord?, I really need to find his new server, whatever chat service he uses.
  12. People usually make dorks and run those dorks through a dorksearcher, which returns links that matched the dorks(keywords) , people then put these links through sqlidumper or v3nom to see if any of them are able to be exploited in order to gain access to that sites sql database, which typically is used to store passwords and other information.
  13. Walmart isn't nececerilly the easiest config to have, there are a few configs being sold on nulled and im sure , but the problem with it is that many walmart configs unless using very hq rotating proxies, require captcha solving accounts, to solve the captchas for you.
  14. Dork Generators will never give you good combos, If you have the money I recommend just buying dorks from a reputable seller
  15. Why in the world did you make something hidden in cracking help? Hmmm I'd reccomend checking the source and seeing if you can parse the values from the source, might not be able to, but it is always an okay thing to try I am not too sure how to do it, with whatever cracking program you use but blackbullet makes it pretty easy to parse things like this . Those are the things that you are looking for.
  16. I agree with getting revenge, If you are cracking on your personal computer use a vpn and run any program you don't trust in a vm, but if you have the money to spend I would highly recommend renting a vps, as they have great internet and you never need to worry about an infected program ruining your computer.
  17. I would go towards ryzen right now, perhaps get a ryzen 2600 and a gtx 1060 or rx 580, I use the Ryzen 2600 and a 6gb 1060 and every game that I play is smooth on max settings