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Everything posted by Τanner

  1. [hide]https://anonfiles.com/PcdfHbY0mf/196K_DE_rar [/hide]
  2. [hide]https://mega.nz/#!84QhECqI!F7LPYo4Owwt1U7iLPblh4Y07elsv-zcZcfH1iX8UwMw[/hide]
  3. [hide]https://anonfile.com/F0I8K5Z4mf/Germany_42043_txt [/hide]
  4. [hide]https://anonfiles.com/R9796dY1mf/150K_KR_txt [/hide]
  5. [hide]https://anonfile.com/LcQd8do7b6/270k_PORN_COMBO_EMAILPASS_txt[/hide]
  6. [hide]https://anonfile.com/t4A0y1Z9ma/Files_06.04_00.55_NORMALIZE_UNIQUE_OnlyUniqueEmail_NORMALIZE_Randomize_0_txt [/hide]
  7. [hide]https://mega.nz/#!B9YhlSaY!PJ2ZWh2LuUu-By5z6hf3pLlzEL3c5Y5HRA7EUQXVhcw[/hide]
  8. Admins. How is me not following instructions relevant? The instructions he sent were 8days ago, I'm not gonna go that long ago in Discord chat, I said I was gonna send 68 USD and he said send. I haven't reported you yet, but I will, I don't like the way you handle your business at all, very childish. You change your thoughts about receiving USD very often, you said you didn't accept it cause you'd lose on conversion to CAD, now you're telling a different story. Everyone can confirm that the money in eChecks sits in limbo for a week, EVERYONE, this wouldn't be a problem if I had send with eCheck but I sent with my goddamn BALANCE!!! Imagine going into Walmart for a refund, you bought a mouse with cash and you want a refund, they tell you to wait 10days and say "you'll get your money don't worry but in 10days, who cares?", obscene. I didn't seem angry, simply was asking for an update, what you did, sending an eCheck was a dick thing to do and you knew that I'd have to wait a week. I'm assuming you do know, cause you deal with $1K everyday right? :smart: As I told you, All mornings my paypal is empty because I don't need money at all during mornings. I deposit before going to bed, then the day after I get my money at 17:00 ( 95% of the time ). All my transactions are made in the evenings. When I woke up I simply sent a refund because you were already angry. You act like I even had the choice ? When you send a refund, it doesn't let you the way to refund, it automatically gets the money from whatever place you have it. As I said again and again, you act like I did on purpose ? Dude I simply wanted to refund you, it's not like I was " **Frenchie honhonhon** I'm gonna make him mad waiting" No. @Kamikaze Just have patience :smart: I sent with my PayPal balance, stop flipping the story around, he could have sent with his balance, but he didn't, it was his own choice. Where did my 68 USD go that he received?
  9. lmao ok buddy. I dont use credit cards I use my bank to pay (Echeck) and banks arent instant thats the way it is its not a scam just the way paypal is setup btw im not the only one who responded Kappa
  10. I didn't call it a scam, I dealt with him before and he's very nice, I think he did it accidentally cause it does happen. You didnt call it a scam? Um the title? ~ Scam report against TheDarkest ~ 68USD Refund Issue this thread has too much for the admins to read
  11. I wouldn't call this a scam just an inconvenience.
  12. Grats @KSZ and @TFue Im joining cause I lose all my bets xD
  13. Ight guys imma keep posting XD
  14. I had 11 accounts PM me saying "gaygaygaygaygay"
  15. im new here so hiiiii
  16. [hide] https://mega.nz/#!r7JRkQoT!Lf2oXXjHSZSRJ0uHFeiMRkZxrzlsCUjpmQGX-oHoENs [/hide]
  17. [hide]https://pastr.io/view/8vHslU [/hide]
  18. [hide]https://www.file-up.org/1ggwzw6tddc7[/hide]
  19. [hide] https://www.file-up.org/1ggwzw6tddc7[/hide]