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Everything posted by azisfrsdhsh

  1. I needed this Thank you so much
  2. what is this ? nice share :DDD still idk what is this but good job
  3. Don't leech pliiz! [hide]Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:32:24 ?.): Hi , My name is Edwin G.. How can I help you? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:32:43 ?.): Hello Edwin G! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:32:55 ?.): Hi. How are you? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:33:08 ?.): Im good! Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:33:15 ?.): How about you? Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:33:28 ?.): Doing good. Thank you. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:33:36 ?.): How can I help you today? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:33:58 ?.): Before couple days my Charge 2 stopped working and im here to get help! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:34:39 ?.): You came to the right place. Do you mean that your Charge 2 is not responding? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:34:48 ?.): Yes! Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:34:58 ?.): No screen light! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:35:47 ?.): I see. Let's work together to get the promptest solution. May you please confirm to me the email address linked to your account? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:35:58 ?.): Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:36:15 ?.): Thank you. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:36:56 ?.): I can see that the device synced by the last time on May 23rd, 2019, and it had a battery level of 95%. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:37:11 ?.): Can you tell me if you are you able to see the green lights flashing at the back of your device? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:37:37 ?.): No there is no light! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:38:14 ?.): Thank you for checking that. Dust and debris can accumulate over time and prevent a charge. Have you already tried our cleaning instructions? Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:38:23 ?.): If not, you can try cleaning the charging contacts on both, the Fitbit and charging cable using rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab. Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:38:43 ?.): I tried to clean it with 100% alcohol Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:39:57 ?.): Alright. Another thing, is your charging cable loose or showing any damage? If it's not, have you tried connecting it to different ports? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:40:24 ?.): Yes i tried to connect the charger to different ports Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:41:13 ?.): Good. In that case, I'll guide you through a quick restart. Are you familiarized with the process? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:41:40 ?.): I think so! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:41:54 ?.): Do you mind if we try it here? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:42:04 ?.): Yes why not! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:42:47 ?.): Cool. Please plug the device into the charger. Then, press and hold the button on it for about 4 seconds. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:43:02 ?.): As soon as you see the Fitbit logo, please stop pressing the buttons. Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:43:28 ?.): Ok i will try right now! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:43:42 ?.): Sounds good. I will be here. Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:44:16 ?.): No!No screen light or logo Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:44:34 ?.): I appreciate you tried. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:45:03 ?.): Since you've exhausted all possible solutions, I'll move forward to review the warranty status on your Fitbit device. Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:45:12 ?.): Okey! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:45:13 ?.): May you confirm to me your country of residence, and the name of the retailer from where you purchased your Fitbit device? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:45:38 ?.): country: bulgaria i got the charge 2 from one friend Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:46:29 ?.): Cool. I appreciate the details. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:46:34 ?.): Checking now. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:48:40 ?.): By the way, you will be receiving a customer satisfaction survey about your support experience after our chat. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:48:43 ?.): If you'd like to share any feedback regarding our assistance, it will be greatly appreciated. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:49:18 ?.): Great. You've been confirmed as eligible for a replacement. Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:49:34 ?.): You will receive an email containing a link for you to click on it, and proceed with filling out the form for your new replacement. Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:49:46 ?.): Okey! Thank you very much! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:49:50 ?.): It has been my pleasure to assist you. May I help you with something else today? Me (27.05.2019 ?., 15:50:00 ?.): No thank you!Have a nice day! Edwin G. (27.05.2019 ?., 15:50:13 ?.): Thank you for your time today. To end this chat, just click the "end chat" button. Have a great day ahead.[/hide] Don't leech pliiz! Also proof that it worked waiting for tracking code!
  4. [hide][/hide] dont leech!