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  1. sorry man. don't know what my IP was. i rotate them daily. usually in de, ch, nl, and sometimes in the US when i give up. btw i'm not talking about websites in general. i'm just talking about logging into cracked.
  2. i use nordVPN with a europe exit node. sometimes germany, NL, ch. i never have a problem logging in on my ubuntu machine. but my Win10 machine (also on nord with EU exit nodes) gets captchas from hell and sometimes cracked tells me my IP is banned. on both ubuntu and on Win10 I run firefox with the same plugins. @floraiN you should be seeing some germany IPs. PM me if that isn't the case. thx for the help!
  3. how does snipr compare to sentry?
  4. no one else has this problem? :|
  5. why are people still liking this thread? that fornite checker is out of commission.
  6. my ubuntu machine has no problem logging into cracked with nordvpn. my win10 machine gets endless captchas even when i log in from the same nordvpn IP. changing countries makes no different. why is this? user agent? plugins? //updated as this is a nord issue
  7. all webmail, or any private domains? you can spam or phish their contact lists, pull out gift cards, whatever. that shit is high profile tho. pm me if you wanna talk more.
  8. dnuts

    cracking at work

    who cracks at work. and whats your setup for it? i sit on my ass all day with no boss looking over my shoulder. its a corporate computer but our security team isnt the best.
  9. what the fuck is up with this dump? why is it such a big fucking deal?
  10. here for your money, women & combos.