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Everything posted by Cruesa

  1. I've been looking for hours now hopefully it works!
  2. boy I've been looking for an hour
  3. Hey! I've earned a good $20 from here so far in a day. Withdrawal is 0.03 btc so I'm wary, but you know, everything is a risk with bitcoin. [hide] is a high paying faucet. You can mine more hits to earn more smashes + invite your friends for even more. I've had lots of fun with this so far. The great thing with this faucet it that you can set it to mine whilst you get on with whatever you are doing. I mine when I'm asleep - the next day I have over 400 hits waiting for me. For extra: Pair it up with for extra. The beauty of this is that it's an ad surfing site. Surf ads all night whilst your computer mines hits. Get up in the morning & wallah, 400 hits & 400 miner tokens. With btcrig you fill up your miner with tokens and it mines for you. You start off slow but you can build it up! You could be looking at $30-$40 per day. This can be scaled too - currently I have two PCs in the household and I'm surfing & mining on one, and mining on this one (I can't surf because I'm using the browser and it detects that). This is the best faucet I've seen so far! check it out for yourself and see that it makes buck!!! [/hide]
  4. Thanks man! I love that you're helping this community!