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  1. woah hope this still works, especially with the screen shot from above
  2. mine keep dying for upgrades! can't wait to see this list. ty early
  3. waiting for a response from the people that said they would come back to review, but never heard back eh? **update, simplified, dumb. not comprehensive enough* if you want to improve this, add where to get the vpn. not really worth viewing imo. no new information. ty anyway
  4. i'm curious if these are python based or if they are .ini files. outdated for the current:
  5. :fiesta:hoping this one works unlike the other ones. is this in python language too?
  6. thanks m8. was part of the SE community from way back in the day on hackr forums, and used to write some tutorials for astropid (they been dead for a while now right**)
  7. really hoping this works stil.. it is the newest right?
  8. looking forward to trying this and posting a feedback about it **nm can't access it because not enough posts for auth**
  9. been buying a lot of gc's but never tried to crack it... saw a post from another forum about xpolish's software, and curious about it more now