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199 Excellent

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  1. https://i.imgur.com/VGsVuve.png https://i.imgur.com/r3rPpDs.png https://i.imgur.com/SFlLQVU.png https://i.imgur.com/QslLJwo.png Some of the IP's you used. Many People are on your Ref list, must be random right? You have been talking to people on your asba accounts telling them shit. Nothing left to say ban wont be lifted.
  2. Hans69


    Cheers mate youre always welcome here . @Jocker
  3. But how will people get likes... Also this would pretty much end up in everyone spamming.
  4. Hey, You should start contributing more. If you dont know what contributing and leeching are, please read the rules. I will unban you but if i see you leeching again, i will perm ban you. Greetings Hans
  5. Hans69

    @Ezi Ban Appeal

    Hello Ezi, if you dont know what Leeching is, you should read the rules. You cant always take stuff and never give anything back, thats not how cracked works. Greetings Hans
  6. BUMP finishing this giveaway in 4 days
  7. Welcome @POP <3 . Thank you very much for the amazing work done here @Jocker !
  8. You have been warned for leeching. Congratz
  9. You have to contribute. I habe sent you a warning again. You cant always take and never give, this is not how cracked works. I strongly recommend you read the rules.
  10. You wont be able to get it cause you need 0% warning. Kappa