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Everything posted by LloydValentine

  1. By the way, is there a way to bypass the "are you still there" checks that appear constantly? Thanks in advanced
  2. It's for trivia apps called "out of tune" and "joyride tv". I would prefer joyride, but I'll take one that works for out of tune as well. I have it for android. Do you need the links to these apps? Thanks for replying btw!
  3. I've tried shazaam, beat find, music match, and tons others, but none can detect songs that either have a different pitch, or has been slowed down / sped up. thanks in advanced.
  4. I hope this works for me. I'm really WISHing on a star!
  5. Nice, if this is legitness, I'm about to be hood rich!
  6. I really would like to learn this skill. I hope it's uber noob friendly lol
  7. I thought $45 every 3 days was good, but $45 an hour, that's is amazing!
  8. Wow, I've been looking for something like this for awhile, thanks for sharing, I'll let you know how it goes. Peace!