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Everything posted by Lain

  1. What language should I learn instead? I've heard c++ was easy, but I don't know where to learn any of these languages. I know some Lua, and trying to get better though. It's not really about the language, you just have to pick and start. If you willing do some general development then go for python, it will allow you to create anything everywhere, and as an alternative there is Java but this is one is kinda old school shit and kinda take more of time to start with it. But if you would like to stick to Windows App development then you can think about C# or C++ or Delphi and just start, learn watch codes, try to understand, and it won't take you more of a month to start making programs. So just go, read about these languages. Take a look on the codes and pick one. Just keep in mind that you can whatever you got in your head with any language you just have to know how to use it and Voila! Delphi is Pascal, which was around since 1970. C++ has been around since 1985. Java was developed in 1995. Not following what you mean by 'old-school shit,' especially since Oracle released Java11 literally a few weeks ago, along with the new OpenJDK. And I'd recommend staying away from doing anything Windows related to programming when starting out. The WinAPI can be really daunting if you don't already have a solid grasp of most programming concepts (structs being the big one.) And if you're not going to use the WinAPI, then why bother developing on Windows? (At least if you plan on using C/C++, other langs will do just fine.)
  2. If this is the /g/entooman library, it's really outdated. If this is the github, then it's not nearly as complete as you think it is (copyright still exists.) Edit: This is actually a pretty cool site. Will probably end up using it for non-programming related books though :P
  3. Probably Go. Sort of like C but not too basic and is relatively easy to write code with. Shit's fast, yo. Liking F# for functional programming though. You can make things just look so beautiful.
  4. IMO, JavaScript or Python. Both are syntactically really easy to understand. JS is slightly more C-like (or universal among other languages) in the sense that function declarations are the same, same with operators, and the fact that everything ends in a semicolon. Thus, it'll be easier for you to pick up something else. And with the ES6 update, you can start to do all the fancy Python features too, like lambdas and more functional-style programming. Python, however reads more like english and might be easier for someone with no experience to pick up. Just be aware that most languages are pretty different than Python in that regard. From there, C will likely be your next best option, since it's very barebones minimal and thus easy to figure out. The problem is that, because of its minimalism, it's difficult to actually write something useful with it. As such, mastering it will take a long ass time, and you may never use it again because it's easier to make something useful in Java, C# or whatever other languages have you.
  5. Any of them as long as they have networking support of some sort (You don't want to be doing something without at least a wrapper for networking, shit like HTTP requests and all.) But yeah, the language really doesn't matter. Whatever you're comfortable with, it all comes down to preference. People like Java because it's good at working with lots of data like combolists. Lots of people like C# after the xNet libs were released for easy proxy support. Me? I like Go because it's like C but not low-level enough to be incomprehensible (and needing 40 lines of code to initialize a simple HTTP client, or whatever.) It really just boils down to whatever works for you. Pick a language, start learning it, once you feel comfortable with syntax, look into the networking side of things.
  6. HTML is literally only a standard to format data. Nothing else. Can you guys please stop being braindead and do some research? Just because the acronym has language in it, doesn't mean it's a language by any means. Anyway, aside from that, your end goal is what will make or break your decision. Are you looking to go into game dev or just general software engineering? C++, then, since you'l learn lots more about compsci in general. Are you good at working with data or quickly throwing together prototypes, or maybe you're good at math and want to do data analysis (or big calculations like General Lambert's Problem?) Then Python is what you're going to want to learn. If you want any elaboration on this stuff, then feel free to ask. But for the love of god, google shit first.
  7. Depends. I'm no absolute beginner to Java but I am to the Minecraft API and learning how to draw things over the screen would be cool, so I would definitely follow your series. But how you execute this plan is what matters. People don't want to look at source code you post; there are literally hundreds of GitHub repos that I can do that at. I'd like to see some actual documentation, reasoning, maybe some questions on how to modify your code to do X or Y, etc.
  8. Bad solution. This will: 1. Not loop (Maybe you added a loop to the .exe, but not this code.) 2. Return duplicates 3. Run Forever (Given you did loop it using while(true) or whatever.) Here's mine. for x in range(100000): print("300000000" + str(x).zfill(6)) Note: This solution uses python, but I can give an example in a variety of languages if you want.