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Everything posted by explodakin

  1. Thanks a lot for this my last crunchyroll account just stopped working, this helps a lot. Thanks again. I really hope this works.
  2. Thank you for this post, I've been working on a essay all day and i need something to check my work. Thanks again for the crack.
  3. hey thanks for this config, honstetly my sentry keeps not working but im hoping thats its just the configs that ive been using i hope yours works. Thanks again.
  4. Thanks for this post, I know this is kind of old and probably work, but your all I can find. Nobody is cracking Funimation anymore ?.
  5. Thank you very much for these accounts, i havent used hulu in a very long time and im hoping these accounts work because most of the time they dont work because theyre outdated fake accounts, or their is just some other problem, so again thank you for maing this post. I really hope these accounts work.
  6. Thank you I've been looking for a Crunchyroll for a long time my old one died thank you again.