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Everything posted by yicoxiw

  1. he is just a leecher...leeches combo from a forum "Nu**ed" he doesnt even check the combo, just downloads and uploads to his gdrive !! But you are also a leecher! You are a Fool! You even don't know the meaning of "leecher". first of all, I don't share any 'combo' thing to any forum taken from here; 2nd: I've shared several of my stuff to this community got from my cracking. the leecher meter they are using here is a bogus system to me. I dont even give a shit to what color it shows..
  2. he is just a leecher...leeches combo from a forum "Nu**ed" he doesnt even check the combo, just downloads and uploads to his gdrive !!
  3. thanks for 3M gaming shared on 03.02.19