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Everything posted by SioVer

  1. SioVer#0444 Hit me up on Discord.
  2. Idk what am I doing , because I don't use this, but thanks.
  3. This is a bump EDIT: Also added Reddit accounts :)
  4. Then why didn't you showed the last one?? It was the Premium.
  5. Thanks for sharing HQ LEak :feelsgood: !
  6. Nice. I personally want to start making checkers in C# , but I don't know how to start the code, so thanks. EDIT: There's a problem on exporting accounts. :/
  7. [hide] [/hide] A like would be appreciated!
  8. [hide] [/hide] Please, like this thread for more HQ posts !
  9. [hide] [/hide] Support my work by LIKING <3 :pupper:
  10. :fiesta: Welcome to Ultimate Shop By SIOVER :fiesta: Here you will find: AmericanExpress Accounts(US) ..with balances from $50-$1000+ :pogchamp: and available credits from $2,000-$50,000 :pogchamp: , for only US accounts with linked cc,w/without bank === selling price various from $5-$25 :pepo: Do you need CHEAP + FAST + GOOD Rdps? :smart: Here you will find them: RDP's from every country and every operating system, with good ram and up/down speeds <3 Price various from : 5$-25$ Do you like Clothing/BodyBuilding and you don't have an account for those website types? :pepe: We have Forever21,,and Abrecrombie accounts And sell them for ONLY : $3-5 :hype: Do you need Uber accounts? We have Uber accounts for every country with linked payment on them such as paypal,cc,paytm ,etc. [align=center]And sell them for ONLY : $6 Also, we have Uber deratitve accounts for $15-20 with/without rides AMAZON![/align] BIG DEAL HERE PEOPLE! OPEN YOUR EYES AND READ : [uS] Email Access amazon accounts with their last purchase order being $100-$1,000 And sell them for $5-$30 (Various on their CC, and last purchase) :feelsgood: [align=center]At&t,Verizon and T-Mobile accounts, with/with out email access :ezy: For internet, TV, and wireless accounts[/align] Prices: Active at&t uverse (No mail access): 7$ Active At&t wireless (No mail access)= 8$ Active At&t uverse (Mail access )=$11 Active At&t wireless with (Mail access) $100+ in balance for = $26 [align=center]Cancled At&t wireless with $1,179 in balance +with mail access for =$20 US t-mobile accounts = $10 no email access[/align] Verizon accounts : $7 [align=center]Empty accounts for = $2 (No Mail access)[/align] Reddit account with 2.5k karma [align=center]For only: $10 [/align][/img] [align=center]NOTE :For now we're only accepting BTC/LTC ! Proofs of the accounts:[/align] [align=center]AT&T UVERSE[/img][/align] [align=center]AT&T WIRELESS[/img] AIRBNB[/img] AMERICAN EXPRESS[/img] FOREVER 21[/img] GROUPON[/img] PAYPAL[/img] UBER[/img] Do you want to know more information about the accounts , or if you want to buy , contact me on Discord: SioVer#0444[/align]
  11. Hey bois, I found a cracker account :pogchamp: . He has a full database with sentry configs, checkers, Nulled shit, snapchat DB, Wannacry virus, videos, and his/her personal shit. :feelsgood: GO GET EVERYTHING IS THERE PPL ! [hide] [/hide]
  12. Ho ho ho. Thank you, hope I'm not to late for some Ethereum :pepo:
  13. No, you must find yourself who's premium :ezy:
  14. [hide] [/hide] A like would be appreciated <3 ( I wish this heart would be green :pepo: )
  15. Well, thank you. I've tried many checkers but none worked. I will try this one and I will edit the comment. :pepo: