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Everything posted by Fatrat9

  1. where is the likes guys !! support me <3
  2. thanks but why not automatically like other forum ? idon't Say that's im the owner
  3. TIRED OF WAITING FOREVER ON THE SO CALLED "WAITLIST"? DON'T WANT TO PAY MONEY FROM A SHADY CODE SUPPLIER? START GENERATING YOUR OWN NVIDIA GEFORCE NOW CODES BELOW! REQUIRES NO PROXIES AND SETUP IS UNDER TWO MINUTES!! 1. Go to https://www.nvidia.c...rewards/redeem/ 2. Sign in. 3. Press ctrl+shift+j (to open console). 4. Paste the following code in and click enter. 5. Follow the prompts and begin generating+checking! DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE ERROR IN THE CONSOLE, THAT IS FOR WHEN THE CODE IS INVALID [hide] var speed = prompt("Speed of checker/gen (Recommended 500 for fast pcs, 1000 for slow)") function generateCode() { var code = ""; var chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) code += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); return code; } function main() { document.getElementById("promotion-code").value = generateCode(); document.getElementById("redeem-code").click(); } setInterval(function() { main(); }, speed); [/hide] NO LIKES JUST COMMENTS !! hIT THAT GREEN <3 GUYS
  4. Go to game library. Right click Apex Legends --> properties, add this as a launch parameter. [hide] +debug_force_EAAccess 1 [/hide] EA fucked up again https://cracked.to/images/smilies/pepe.gif[/img]
  5. Free GTA V, what more can I say? START GENERATING YOUR OWN GTA V VOUCHER CODES BELOW! REQUIRES NO PROXIES AND SETUP IS UNDER TWO MINUTES!! 1. Go to https://socialclub.r...es.com/activate 2. Sign in. 3. Press "Use Rockstar Code" 4.. Press ctrl+shift+j (to open console). 5. Paste the following code in and click enter. 6. Follow the prompts and begin generating+checking! [hide] document.getElementsByName("voucher")[0].setAttribute("id", "input"); document.getElementsByName("voucher-preview")[0].setAttribute("id", "redeem-code"); var speed = prompt("Speed of checker/gen (Recommended 1000 for fast pcs, 500 for slow)") function generateCode() { var code = ""; var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) code += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); return code; } function main() { document.getElementById("input").value = generateCode()+ "-"+ generateCode()+ "-"+ generateCode()+"-"+ generateCode(); document.getElementById("redeem-code").click(); } setInterval(function() { main(); }, speed); [/hide] LEECHER = BAN
  6. Open source. Browser-based. Easy to use/leave in the background. Free pizza START GENERATING YOUR OWN PIZZA HUT COUPONS BELOW! REQUIRES NO PROXIES AND SETUP IS UNDER TWO MINUTES!! 1. Go to https://www.pizzahut...index.php#/home 2. Sign in. 3. Add whatever you want to your cart. 4. Press ctrl+shift+j (to open console). 5. Paste the following code in and click enter. 6. Follow the prompts and begin generating+checking! [hide] document.getElementsByClassName("text-center btn-default btn-apply black ph-order-apply")[0].setAttribute("id", "redeem-coupon"); var speed = prompt("Speed of checker/gen (Recommended 500 for fast pcs, 1000 for slow)"); function generateCodeN(e) { var code = ""; var chars = "0123456789"; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++) code += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); return code; } function generateCodeL(e) { var code = ""; var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++) code += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); return code; } function main() { document.getElementById("coupon-code").value = generateCodeL(2) + generateCodeN(1) + generateCodeL(2) + generateCodeN(1) + generateCodeL(2) + generateCodeN(1) + generateCodeL(2) + generateCodeN(1); document.getElementById("redeem-coupon").click(); } setInterval(function() { main(); }, speed); [/hide] Press THe fuckin Green button And Dont Be leecher ... I Admire Reporting Leechers <3
  7. TIRED OF GETTING KICKED OFF CRACKED SPOTIFY ACCOUNTS AND SO CALLED "PRIVATE" SPOTIFY FAMILY UPGRADES? START GENERATING YOUR OWN SPOTIFY PREMIUM CODES/GIFTCARDS BELOW! REQUIRES NO PROXIES AND SETUP IS UNDER TWO MINUTES!! 1. Go to https://www.spotify.com/us/redeem/ 2. Sign in. 3. Press ctrl+shift+j (to open console). 4. Paste the following code in and click enter. 5. Follow the prompts and begin generating+checking! [hide] var speed = prompt("Speed of checker/gen (Recommended 500 for fast pcs, 1000 for slow)") var zip = prompt("Zipcode (leave blank for default)") + "10008" function generateCode() { var code = ""; var chars = "0123456789"; for (var i = 0; i < 19; i++) code += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); return code; } function main() { document.getElementById("redeem_code_token").value = generateCode(); document.getElementById("redeem_code_zip-code").value = zip; document.getElementById("redeem_code_submit").click(); } setInterval(function() { main(); }, speed); NOTE: If there is no "zip code" section, please use the code below. var speed = prompt("Speed of checker/gen (Recommended 500 for fast pcs, 1000 for slow)") function generateCode() { var code = ""; var chars = "0123456789"; for (var i = 0; i < 19; i++) code += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); return code; } function main() { document.getElementById("redeem_code_token").value = generateCode(); document.getElementById("redeem_code_submit").click(); } setInterval(function() { main(); }, speed); EDIT: It seems like they have added a recaptcha for some people. If this occurs, try changing your vpn/etc. [/hide] LEECHER WILL BE BANNED !! YOU CAN support ME by LIKE :)