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Posts posted by iJuggerNugget

  1. Members,


    Christmas is around the corner and Santa whispered to me that we have a lot of well behaved members that deserve to be gifted. Before we go into the details, here's a huge (once again) thanks on behalf of our staff team for an incredible year. Your contributions, support, upgrades (yes, without them we could have never made this forum the best cracking forum in the scene) and your warm messages during tough times are much appreciated. We are really excited for what comes in 2019. Enough of sentimental words, you are probably already waiting for them gifts, aren't you?




    5x 10.000 Credits

    3x Rainbow Six Siege Keys (For PC)

    3x VPN sponsored by vShield

    3x Premium Upgrade

    2x Infinity Upgrade

    1x Supreme Upgrade

    1x RDP (France/Canada) sponsored by vShield



    In order to win one of these prices just leave a like and comment on this thread. The winners will be picked randomly when the event ends, which will be on 26. December 2018.

    Who can participate? Everyone that registered an account on Cracked.to before 1st December 2018.


    Awards & Item


    We also implemented two new awards for our christmas 2018 season and a brand new item with a limited stock (10). The item can be purchased with 6000 credits and can be displayed right next to your username.

    Our two new awards can drop with every post you make. Some of you may know this concept already from our Halloween event earlier this year.




    Every post you make has a x-% chance of getting one of these awards.

    Good luck to everyone on hunting these awards!


    Upgrade Discount


    From 24th of December to 26th of December every upgrade will be discounted with 25% OFF. Don't miss it if you are considering to buy an upgrade!



    Last but not least I want to wish you, your family and you beloved ones a merry christmas. I hope everyone of you is going to spend some quality time and remembers that there are more important things in your life.






    Youre a cool guy


    Part 1


    [hide]STEP 1: There are two main ways to get Combo lists to put in your Brute Cracker. The one I am referring to in this thread is Slayer Leecher V.6, It's very straightforward all you need is a recent keyword(e.g. Season 7 Fortnite instead of Fortnite in general) to input in the keyword section.


    STEP 2: For the Search Functions I recommend you to use Pastebin and maybe google sometimes but never Bing and Yandex. Then for the section under it named "Result of last" to get the most up to date accounts you should use the 24hr option, and if you are not getting enough results change it to the last 3 days. Then slap the start button.


    STEP 3: Once the result number stops moving click the stop button then proceed to press the filtering then grab button and pass to leecher.


    STEP 4: Once you have passed it to the leecher you will need proxies (will leave link) unless you want to get your IP banned off of google. Make sure your Proxies match with the option you selected then change your threads to 50-200 based on how strong your computer/internet is. Hit the start button and wait until your used links match with loaded links then hit stop. After that remove duplicates and save your results.


    You have finished making your combos 







    Proxies(Sock5 and 4):http://www.vipsocks24.net/

    Slayer Leecher V.06(The one I referred to above):https://mega.nz/#F!dzIyGQzL!7TVrx_R57vthvMWUce7-ow

  3. welcome.png



    Part 2 released.




    More likes = more release.


    Leave a Like For More, it's just 1 click!  





     Don't get banned for leeching.


    pepegun.png Leechers will be REPORTED pepegun.png


    part 2 : https://cracked.to/Thread-Email-Pass-200K-%E2%9A%A1-HQ-PRIVATE-%E2%9A%A1-FORNITE-COMBOS-%E2%9C%85-GUARANTEED-HITS-%E2%9C%85-2








    Thx bro, left a like, MERRY CHRISTMAS(If u celebrate it)

  4. Welcome there.


    In this guide you will learn how to use TSP Dorks Generator, the 8th version. 


    (Don't forget to thanks NotThiplol for his work)


    Here are some SQLi Dumper results : 


    - 5minutes test with 450 Dorks : 







    - Review from a complete scan of the 450 Dorks and Fineproxies Socks 5 on Dork Searcher EZ : 






    So, let's start  :pepegun:




    Thx i will look into this, once again big thx