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Posts posted by crater12

  1. AI7Ox.png


    Description: viagogo is website where u can buy or SELL tickets. how to use ? u check and when u got hit with "listings: " then u go, and change paypal payment, after this god bless rng, when someone buy tickets from guy, u will got good amount of money(500$ is semi ok amount), then wait and god bless rng to not got limit or withtdraw it, some xidiot using similar but for other website and withdraw 1k$ so all can



    1) something dont work:

    tell me what, but it will be obfuscation problem, then i will use something else

    2) u are developer ?

    hq html coder

    3) working slow

    tell me then, and i will fix, but most reason of that is prob ur proxy suck or ur computer suck or u set low amount of threads

    4) what is listings ?

    listings are currently items(ticket) on sale. its good for you, u login to account and change paypal email adress and wait someone buy that guy tickets and u will recive money

    5) what mean "-1" ?

    proxy timeout/error or strange unexpected error while checking for listing

    6) what proxy do u recommend ?

    working http



    UPDATE ! right now cap properly saved to output.txt + limited to 180 threads


    U can get key for program from (require 25 posts)



    virustotal(scaned exe without obfuscation):


    Hall of fame:




    If u love my work, on end while checking, u have my btc adress, u can donate :P i am "working" on Intel Core 2 duo and GT card sad pepe


     great post and share. Thanks.