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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. I think he is mentioning programs whose license version has been cracked and converted in working mode.
  2. Maximus 9x

    Most welcome, just ensure that the accounts doesn't gets leeched.
  3. Maximus 9x

    [hide]Apollo69:me2horny pony6666:pppkkk888 Psvpsv001:Psvpsvpsv Pittsports2:Panthers2016 rotax100:3suzuki getdestroyed:Holyshit1223 Tux420:Chang1645 ahsoccer9909:a041082 cookbob:mxz600r[/hide]
  4. With so many options to choose from on the internet, I know its kinds of a toughy to choose the best one. I would personally vouch for Tidal and its simply because I like their user interface a lot, in addition to their good collection of the latest tracks surfacing the respective genres.
  5. Maximus

    Uplay Account x3

    [hide] [email protected]:sergio87 [email protected]:nootrac1 [email protected]:marisco1983[/hide]
  6. Maximus

    [hide] gitti33:37519dg [/hide]
  7. [hide]akuma13:sniper31  elarsen:1560erla bowilly:1a2n3d4e[/hide]
  8. Maximus

    What is better?

    CS6 has worked well so far without a glitch. So I would vouch for it.
  9. I totally agree with the suggestions made by @G24w in point 1 & 3. Swearing should never be allowed or any offensive or derogatory avatar image. We have really funny emoji's (yeah, I like to call em emoji's as they depict more of an emotion than smile maybe) in cracked and would be great if some more of that sort are added.
  10. Maximus x3

    [hide]trefutt:globibal  pepematze:64587002 harib555:33hk5d6x[/hide]
  11. [hide]exo989:austin[/hide]
  12. Leeching doesn't applies to me dude....if I want something...I will find it...I will crack it. Check my threads once for reference.
  13. Maximus

    Some Russian Songs

    Are these any good? I will try the first one.
  14. [hide]sutty105:tigers[/hide]
  15. [hide]20283131:6BK65SDM[/hide]
  16. [hide]ericjohnson123:carter15[/hide]
  17. [hide] Rexrabbit2007:Naughty0001[/hide]
  18. Maximus

  19. [hide]dtrain9795:daggar66[/hide]
  20. [hide] cDos5KsC:$andmann[/hide]
  21. Maximus

  22. [hide] jp4834:19934834 [/hide]