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Everything posted by Deadlík

  1. whelp gunna try thanks liked.
  2. welp 1 more post today.
  3. I can't like you since i reached my limit just a while ago but i'll thank you instead. Thanks.
  4. only 3 more posts and then i'm done for the day... i can't like your post since i reached my max like limit for today.
  5. only 4 more posts till i get capped. hope it works. liked.
  6. Deadlík


    Thx!! I'll use it well! promise
  7. Thanks, but if it doesn't work i'll whoop yo ass!
  8. i'll try since i have a little too much time on my hands. liked already.
  9. hope it works since this is my last post for today. liked already.
  10. Thank you i was searching for an account with Horizon Zero Dawn for a long time now.. gonna like too.
  11. wanted to try out diablo and overwatch for some time now if i do like these games i'll buy em.