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Everything posted by G24

  1. just some minecraft forum I was on :fuck: :??:
  2. Can I travel from London to France now? :wut: :hype:
  3. Combo Type: Email / Username Proxies: Yes/No Bots: x-x Last Tested: XX/XX/XX Additional Information: N/A
  4. I was legit posting some very good suggestions and I clicked "post" and I think my internet cut out, and when i refreshed page, all of it was gone! :pepi: :pepi: :pepi:
  5. G24

    Cracking Future?

    Sooo from what I have seen, Storm - the cracking tool is the way to go. It is being updated regularly and can bypass cloudflare. I think that sentry mba will always be around, however it cannont do the "advanced" stuff that Storm can do. So I feel that sentry will die, as it is already pretty old but it works fine for most sites. It is just that sentry mba is unsupported, obviously Storm will be discontinued eventually but so far it is looking good. The reason I posted this is that you should probably invest your money in Storm configs, not sentry - I am not saying sentry can't work, I am just saying that Storm seems like a better option. What do you guys think? feel free to comment below.
  6. Paid users shouldn't have advertisements shown, it feels unfair that is all.
  7. they are $10 per 50k lol https://buy.combos.cc got that 100k for $1.50 Publicly leeched combo :pepi: yh probably haha
  8. G24

    Hello :))

    Hello and welcome!
  9. G24


    nice and welcome to the forum :ezy:
  10. [hide] Download: https://mega.nz/#F!JNIxTAZD!1ICKvGcs1OtME0e3ts75Dg Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/278cb2d721ac742323bacfe7f1a444f6253c0abe660fe80ef65b71188155fef2/detection [/hide] Shoutout to @Edward he made this software
  11. G24

    My Dog

    nice :P
  12. G24

    My Dog

  13. G24

    My Dog

    I am brown :wut: :pepo:
  14. The steps to success is 1. sign up on heckforums 2. get reputable 3. make a ebook 4. name it "how to make $1000 a day" 5. sell it for $3000 6. exit scam Totally agreed tbh. This was the most popular eBook over there so I thought it might be good . When i bought it its fuckin shit. Bought like tons of eBook back then cause I kinda needed money since I was struggling irl with fundings :( :pepe: