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Everything posted by wollz

  1. hi are these cracked or binned or botted?
  2. Enjoy! :hype: [hide] https://pastr.io/view/jAoZHY [/hide]
  3. the reviews of this thing is so mixed... wanted to check myself if its worth the time :) thanks anyway appreciated!
  4. liked before even posting lulw ;d
  5. Hi dudes can you recommend me some good twitch proxies cuz I've heard that 70% are meh (a friend of mine used proxyrack but says that ain't good anymore). Looking forward for your feedback :kek:
  6. actually its so mixed thats why i want to see myself gonna edit later EDIT: LULW its in french cannot understand anything xD (talking about the site) the tut is well explained :)
  7. omg dude i thought of buying this one before 3 days and this came out :D im glad i havent bought it but will buy supreme now <3 thanks dude!!!
  8. Lincoln you killed it again with this awesome tut thanks dude :) <3
  9. maybe is with the "free trial" thingy :) i would like to see if they give it for free 4ever im greedy arent i kappa
  10. this thingy seems handy af thanks alot appreciated brother !
  11. im curious if that bot works cuz idk maybe i dont have good proxies.... i should buy rotating :)
  12. appreciated dude :P liked this hq method
  13. wait im kind of confused do i need a premium or only auth anyway good work bro :P
  14. ye everybody is like OMG AMEX and im here like wait this is illegal as fuck