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  1. literally that porn site is free, wtf :fyou: :wut:
  2. are you retarded oh my fucking god you are actually retarded that actually made me laugh :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek:
  3. congrats :feelsgood: :feelsgood: :feelsgood: hope you use that money to buy cereal :comfy: whats the website you use for your bitcoin wallet? :thinking:
  4. im not a leecher, just working on some contributions. LITERALLY 0 THREADS :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek:
  5. idk if thats supposedto make me laugh and its a joke or you are really trying to get down your risk of getting banned
  6. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: -nuclear war -overpopulation elads to anarchy -asteroid -ayylmaos in that order
  7. im a simple man, i see a instagram turbo i left a pepe :feelsgood:
  9. Leaving this, second programming learning bump if a decent amount of likes IF YOU DON'T LEAVE A LIKE = LARP = BAN [hide] [align=center]Crack Wi-Fi: https://mega.nz/#F!C5pAkJYC!8n7iXDrKjndygwcXsFPt3w!S0hwDYaT Cracking: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jbsz2bonhkzavbs/AAD5K_CXspEAned-MqbRe0CSa?dl=0 -https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_3V_tpRwT3IfjdCWkZGT3FlaTZpN0JLSktPc2FqTVgzdkRfTnhybWtZZTNmUmRWSDRVTlU [/align] [align=center]Hacking: -https://mega.nz/#F!DEYy1IAR!k6RJrzRuFQa2grd7mjSy9Q -https://mega.nz/#F!QNgkETAL!xGT0zBm9rMd0uuu58A2OUg Python: https://mega.nz/#F!CBJ0lZiD!vVeiEc9958yVI8f_xNWqQw https://mega.nz/#F!OAIgmK6A!vSoAuIqr3Iz76L0uFPYgjg Pentest: https://mega.nz/#F!PB4E3CzR!UWLC6EgJ8miG_9cnVZQwaw [/align] Informatic security: - https://mega.nz/#F!3cQj3AjT!bGnETILxR0EKFDaGypRhAQ [/hide] most of the text are in spanish tho
  10. rafaelsanzi0


    Welp i need advice My girl friend (no gf) is being weird, i mean she was always the typical wanna be slut and first i was a little mad (no whiteknight) but then i jsut give up and she told me about her slutty moments and i always talked to her about all the girls i got. Ok? ok pretty normal right? Fastforward 2 years since i give up and we are still pretty good friends, now i have a gf but the thing is that she ignores the existence of my gf, she sees my profil and can see the fucking tag in fb but 2 days ago she told me "what do you think about sending nudes?" and i say "its okay if you trust the person" but out of nowhere she sends me nudes and i'm like wtf Im over reading? she is jsut a slut? any advice to this? :fuck: :fuck: :fuck:
  11. honestly i dont want to belive in these kind of things but ill give it a try