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Everything posted by SWAYZEE13

  1. here i sit broken hearted trying to shit but only farted im also hoping this reply is enough to get me in pn this shit
  2. i really really really need this i hope like mother fucking hell fire and brimstone this shit works fingers toes and eyes crossed
  3. uh yuh bruh gonna grab me this so i can put it to work in these skreets :smart: :smart: :feelsgood: :feelsgood:
  4. wowzah here we are its the year 2019 and weve got all this cool shit going on mean while im hoping to god this comment is long enough to not get flagged and i get sent back to retype more bullshit so no ones feelings get fucking hurt tune in and find out what happens :??: :??: :??:
  5. well here we are yet again in another tale of two titties swinging in the wind yes i said two titties do something about it mother fucker
  6. well here we go again with this long winded typing shit idk what the fucking formula is to this fucking shit but im sure ill figure it out sooner or later so ill write hopefully something shorter rthis time but who knows
  7. fingers crossed on this working if it does im doing the mother fucking shmoney dance if it doesnt thanks for the laugh they keep saying to write something over 10 characters long and my shit is more than 10 characters long i mean fuck sake idk what else to write so i guess im going to just keep typing shit and hitting post till it goes through hopefully it works sooner or later god damn it to fucking hell what do you want me to mother fucking write a god damn novel of my fucking life or some shit