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  1. May your membership on this forum be short lived - show some respect to the posters.
  2. With replies like the above your membership here will be short lived - show some respect for the poster!
  3. as above - lets test and report back EDIT - waste of time - config is borked - everything going to retry and fake.
  4. very nice share - many thanks m8 EDIT - WOW - this bans proxies like crazy
  5. Many thanks for sharing. Assholes who leave posts like the one quoted should be banned immediately - show some respect.
  6. Many thanks for the share m8 To all the leeches posting dsjkfhfhjdsfhkfhjds posts - you should be banned immediately - show some respect. Posts like these have been reported.
  7. thanks for the share - lets see if we can get something to share back
  8. too good to be true for first post ?- prove me wrong EDIT - DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME - utter shit - everything goes to retry and nothing is tested.
  9. many thanks for sharing - will test and see if i can get something to share back on here
  10. Thanks for share - lets test out and see
  11. thanks for sharing - lets test the quality
  12. Seedys50

