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Everything posted by Mik255

  1. sure portal:http://vaders.tv/c MAC: 00:1A:79:49:2B:EF http://api.vaders.tv/vget?username=GkCE3aCfkH&password=iepSbnMxRL Expiry: January 26, 2019, 12:00 pm Credit Mik ================ portal:http://vaders.tv/c MAC: 00:1A:79:2B:FE:87 http://api.vaders.tv/vget?username=Q9TdJWkxrR&password=OEBm8GSP2L Expiry: October 29, 2018, 12:00 pm Credit Mik
  2. I've taken a few files from here,i dont really use logins but can hack any type of iptv with a private method,which i apologise but cant share.as a thanks i'll supply the first 10 posters with a playlist or mac for their choice of service including stalker. thanks guys