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Everything posted by pphenric

  1. Thank you for your hard work. I hope theese work. Haven't had any luck finding working accounts lately
  2. I am curious to what those celebs are up too. Much appreciated
  3. Let's see what the cat dragged in. Thank you. Much appreciated
  4. A friend of mine is in need of a software like this. Much appreciated! Hope this works
  5. Thank you for your effort. I hope these work
  6. Basically, be considerate towards the comunity work of others, expressing opinions and not getting whatever you want without the slightest appreciation. Also, try to be active on suggestion threads, helping others from experience, etc, and, maybe later, help the community by posting accounts cracked by yourself
  7. I think more info put together on a dedicated page on how to a hieve each rank, like a guide, would do the trick
  8. Let's see what you got. If it works, i will be using this method for sharing them with the community
  9. I really hope the passwords aren't changed again
  10. Thank you. Hope this works
  11. Hope i get the hang of it in no time. Thank you!
  12. Be Blessed! Let's see if this works
  13. pphenric


    Thanks! i see this community is made of good people and i like that
  14. pphenric


    Thank you kindly!
  15. Great! Hope they work and the pass isn't changed!
  16. Thank you mate! May you live long and prosper
  17. Proper alignment sounds like the way to go. Thanks for your reply!
  18. pphenric


    Hey! Thank you for the reply! What is 'pfp'? Sorry for my noobishness; and secondly can you point me towards a good tutorial on how to crack netflix accounts for example?
  19. Hi, I will be posting my suggestions throughout time here and editing this thread as needed. Without further ado, here goes: 1. I have been noticing that the 'like' button is not that visible for first timers. Maybe make it more obvious/bigger? :thinking: 2. I was recently thinking about the password recovery system. I would like to be able to change the pass right off, reading my pass reset mail, following a link to a new password, you get the idea. 3. A great addition to this site would be the banning ro something of the same sort of people changing the passwords of cracked accounts. I wish something could be done about this. It's infuriating (hit the heart if you agree). 4. Better mobile layout - some elements are displayed outside the screen area when in portrait mode, for ex. when i click on my profile avatar.
  20. May you live long and prosper! Maybe you can teach me how to crack accounts myself
  21. Thank you for your effort. I will try it out. Hope that someday i can crack accounts like you do!
  22. pphenric


    I am a first timer when it comes to forums like these, but i want to be part of the community and help people find what they need, so please help me grow as a member by sending me messages and suggestions. Thanks! :kappa: