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Everything posted by Zombie

  1. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/NDJlYWRhZGVmYzJmOGM2MDQ1MGIxNDI0ODZlYjRlN2U6MTU1NzY3ODI1OA==/detection
  2. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/NDYwOTVjYTU0OGZmMjQ3NzhiMGJiODA5YTlkZWZlMTg6MTU1NzY2MTA3Mw==/detection
  3. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/ZGM1NDA4MTQxMjgzOTU3NDFiMDUwNzM5N2I1MGM4Yjg6MTU1NzY2MTAxNw==/detection
  4. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/7cfeb218055b24d76c760d8e4be732421b7dc1394896d6d7c5f63f7411f2cb9c/detection
  5. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/86e26c38c563dfc094070820f724faba1479fcbcc9d70972d3919dc5c0df31f6/detection
  6. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: Not possible due to amount of files or size of package
  7. Zombie


    bruh bruh bruh
  8. @Essaye : Check for mailaccess combos, use these accounts and send emails in bulk with some software, there's a lot out there
  9. :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker: :jocker:
  10. That is totally okay . I’m just saying we need more cause we have very few disinfectors and only a few are online . That’s why we need more ! Wish you the best on your recovery <3 :pepelove:
  11. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/OGQ0NjUyZThlYjkyYzIwNDcyNjgxZmNjZDg3MGI1MDA6MTU1NzQ3OTM0MA==/detection
  12. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/903f72abaf51c620315107e83d042234ad163b0975643f69ed17acb0a8cbb390/detection
  13. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/MDdmYjA1MjIxZmRmMWQxYTllMWVkNWMxYTE3MGQ0Zjg6MTU1NzQ3OTI0Ng==/detection
  14. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/YmZmYzU2M2JkNmRmMDBkZWNiYTc4OTk3OWYyOGQ0ODk6MTU1NzQ3OTA4OA==/detection
  15. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/eb58825da07bfc0ce35ed743dbd9dcceec2b6119787fb36bed9a3c4b40ad6871/detection
  16. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: Not possible due to amount of tools/Size of package
  17. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: Not possible due to amount of tools/size of package
  18. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/461e09a92a20c9c40d180ea73ce28da85f73f3bcc1b1fbc87a73bb7ccee4a8f2/detection
  19. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/ZWI5ZTc4YTAxZTA1ZjNjMjVkM2NjY2I2NzgxNWI1ZGM6MTU1NzQ3ODU5OA==/detection
  20. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/YjJiNzc5MjhmYzdhNzMxODc5ODM1MjczOWYwNWU4OGU6MTU1NzQ3ODQwMg==/detection
  21. Past days im mostly at the doctor or in the hospital due to my tumor(s). Im trying to be as active as possible, but it's a bit hard to approve/delete all of them alone with the small amount of time ive got in the past days. I'll try to do them all today :pepelove:
  22. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  23. Shit combos Shit network Shit config
  24. Approved, please run this tool only in Sandbox, Virtual Machine or on a VPS/RDP/... and not on your own computer. Please also remind that i dont test released tools, i only check for suspicious contents. VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/ZGMxYmFkYTFkMjY3NjgyOWUyOGNjN2NiNzI4ZTI3OGQ6MTU1NzI1OTc5Mw==/detection