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Everything posted by TimoKL

  1. Working on it as we speak. There are 2 methods included (long term big profit + sit back and relax, short term small profit + required a bit more work) and all my customers are going with long term. So might take a while. In your discord you say "- The first method allows you to earn a LOT of money, possibly 100's a day depending on the investment. - The second method allows you to earn a steady 10 to 20 percent profit. " and now you say it might take a while? My discord says exactly what i say now: https://gyazo.com/90a10bdeb60e2edfe0eed7dff4cda640 Also here is proof from a customer who did do the short term method: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/576899539643138056/576899816391442453/s4.png
  2. Working on it as we speak. There are 2 methods included (long term big profit + sit back and relax, short term small profit + required a bit more work) and all my customers are going with long term. So might take a while.
  3. I now have a new thread design! Online for sales, questions, and support!
  4. Add me on discord! Online for support, questions, and sales! It's from when I went to Australia haha
  5. Talked with you on discord! Online for sales, support, and questions!
  6. Stop stealing my desgins or I report you! @TimoKL what is the difference between the 3 plans on your store ? I only sell the platinum tool anymore, it comes with the tool and honestly I'm so confident of my tool that I don't sell it without the tool anymore.
  7. Yes that's correct, and yes you will be making money. There's about a 5% of losing money, but you will only lose 5% of your invest.
  8. cord: https://discord.gg/BMMqWTQ (You can ask questions in the new-users channel, me or my team will reply ASAP) [align=center]Click on any image to auto-buy, send me a discord invite after buying for the tool. If i'm not responding, i might be asleep! THIS NOW INCLUDES 2 METHODS![/align]
  9. You still on? Might hop on later.