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Everything posted by Sartux

  1. Whilst I'm not a mod so don't rely on anything I say, it seems to be fine to post hacks as long as you put it in the right subforum (gaming -> FPS/whatever) I've also seen people selling game accounts in the same subforum so it should be ok. Again, not a mod so I might be wrong!
  2. Waited a day before I posted this :P Happy birthday Devil.
  3. It depends what your skill set is - what are you good at? Unfortunately there aren't any 'get rich quick'; schemes on the net anymore - it all takes hard work and knowledge/skills.
  4. Hi Uzrage - welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay here.
  5. Hi rogueslayer - welcome to the forum. - hope you enjoy your stay here. I'd suggest not sharing any personal details about yourself (including your name) when you can as its safter that way.
  6. Sartux


    Hi cshmast - welcome to the forum. What areas of cracked are you most interested in?
  7. Welcome to the forum and thanks in advance for your contributions - I'm sure they'lll help people out.
  8. Hi jazzborn1 - welcome to the forum. What games are you playing atm?
  9. What do you mean by website lists? Do you mean just like scraping google for lists of websites about certain topics? If so, look up google dorks and combine it with something like scrapy for Python
  10. Unfortunately that's not how you get accounts for services like Netflix. You get them one of two ways: - Use software that generates loads of random codes/login details and checks to see if any of them work (you can buy these all over the site). - You create a fake site that tricks people into putting in their account details. You can't just make a website to generate random accounts, and building the software is hard work (I dont think someone will just help you build it for free when they could sell it if they knew how to make one). Sorry Hateo.
  11. Sartux

    Crypto Gambling

    I like putting a few bits down on bustabit, and I tried a few others but I hate that they all try and make it sound like you can script your way round the house edge - it's still gambling, and each spin is independent of all the others. Fun for a few bits though.
  12. what skills have you got and what do you want to do? Can you do programming? Graphics/Vids? SE? All of the 'get rich quick' schemes have gone - carding is a dead end, hacking takes effort and SE will make you only a little bit unless you are very good at it. Let us know what skills you have and maybe we can help.
  13. Im a bit late to this and Vassilios already gave you the answer, but you might find this site useful in future for making and learning regex:
  14. Well now is a good time to learn! You can try this site which will help with creating regex: Then you can follow the comments here which will let you regex a csv file using python:
  15. A tricky one. The best way will be probably to construct a regex query to grab what you need. This might help: Alternatively you can just import it into excel, split the lines at the brackets and delete the lines you don't need.
  16. hi all, I'm looking for open source ransomware to help in creating my own - I know there's a lot of old stuff out there but I'm looking for some newer strains (win7+) to have a look at. Anyone know where I can find any githubs/similar?
  17. That's not necessarily true. Try and catch will output any errors with syntax, etc. Chrome's developer console does a pretty good job at pin pointing errors. Issues with a variable or function? Use console.log() to track progress. It's not terrible (especially compared to something like C/assembly) but it's not as friendly as python imo - mostly because python does all the things you've mentioned without the programmer having to do anything. On top of that, you're also working concurrently with four systems that can mess up (HTML/CSS/JS/Database) and it can be difficult to pinpoint what's gone wrong - especially starting out on your first big project. JS certainly isn't a bad choice, and I'd recommend people who want to go into visual programming to start with it, but just to be aware that its a bit less forgiving than python which is just 'go here and change this'
  18. Thanks, that looks like a good resource. Do you happen to know any good youtube videos for it?
  19. Which is your favourite movie of the two??
  20. I liked it because it was more realistic (not very but a bit) but havent seen all of it. I always think that if I'm not that bothered enough to download an episode every week to watch then I'm obviously not enjoying it that much. Still, probably the best tv show on hacking around.
  21. Hi all, I'm trying to get into assembly as I hear it's useful for writing very efficient tools. I'm already familiar with python/JS/C# and know assembly basics, but wondered if there were any really good resources I should check out?
  22. Yeah its a good language to start with. Its a bit more complicated than python but easier to do web/gui stuff with. Everyone always gets frustrated with python if they want to do anything 'visual' whereas JS has it all built in. One thing to be careful of is that javascript is very unforgiving compared to python. If you make a mistake it wont necessarily tell you where you went wrong or things will just suddenly stop working but not throw up any errors. All that means is you have to really learn the language rather than just do trial and error. There are good resources all over - the w3schools stuff is probably the best as it has loads of examples and is well written.
  23. Really interested to see whats in the combo - thanks for posting, and I've left a like!
  24. Yeah not really needed as Kali tools are just Linux tools. There aren't enough proper tutorials/content on linux to justify splitting it down to distros.
  25. PC is so much better. You can do more with it, mod games really easily and can upgrade it rather than having to buy a whole new thing.