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Everything posted by boldfacebutton7

  1. Hi there, this looks interesting. I PMd you
  2. I am wondering how thi will turn out to be
  3. I hope it is not that 2c links. those are just spam These emails are for which website ??
  4. fingers crossed. hope it still works
  5. from where did you get the proxies? if they are free/scraped you have shit chances with netflix or your config is outdated would recommend you as fbi said ob or bb Thank you guys, any chance that you could provide me some links to those
  6. Hi everyone, I was trying to get some cracked account for netflix using Sentry MBA. I got a verified proxy list and combo list. Everything looked perfect untlil I started it. All I get is Connection error 420 and 430 Connection refused and so on. Can anyone please help
  7. Hi guys, I am new with cracking stuff and I am trying to use those apps in the section but the authentication key needs 75 likes. Pump up that like button guys !!!!!!!!!!!