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  1. I wonder if my ex is amongst these pics ? Will have to check to find out.
  2. Quick question. Is it still considered leeching and counts against you even if the original posters link is dead ? Why would you leave a like for a dead link ?
  3. I have been looking for a working Express VPN one for a while. Used to use the good old Zenmate. Will report back and give you a like when i know it's working etc. Ok. Tried downloading it, and the link is dead. Any chance of updating the link please ?
  4. Will respond with a review on this as soon as i check it works etc. Few of the combo packages do not open, and it would be real help if there was some kind of instructions with it, so people new to this can grasp what to do. The original author (Who cut and paste programs like Gre3n0x exploit scanner, D3vSpider etc to this program) looks like the group has had it's webpage removed which may or may not include instructions. Great piece of software, but it really kills your processor which it actually shouldn't.
  5. Just been looking for new dorks as these are becoming a little harder to find nowadays. Also, it may help if you include a help file or some kind of instructions for people who are new to creating dorks etc, as the original post at the site in the file is no longer working. Program runs fine.