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  1. oh shit ok i agree to contribute more pls lift my ban dad
  2. HEY YOU! U HAVE NO SELF CONFIDENCE. DOUBLE IT NOW! UDEMY ACCOUNT WITH REGISTERED COURSE!!! [hide] koen.hoeberechts@gmail.com:koenjules01[/hide] https://pastr.io/view/gSbqMM ??
  3. Profile link: https://cracked.to/member.php?action=profile&uid=118503 Ban date: 4/20/2019 Reason of the ban: Leeching Who banned you: KSZ Did you read the forum rules after being banned:(Yes/No) Yes Why do you think that you should be unbanned: I leechn'ted and KSZ big gay he no like me. this is unfair ban. Additional information: what did i do wrong