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  1. I'm doing them for $2 right now to establish some feedback
  2. I don't have autobuy Paypal setup yet (coming soon) but I can manually accept paypal if you contact me on discord or telegram.
  3. Hello, I have just finished my first autobuy website, I know it's a little basic so if you have any criticisms or suggestions I would be very happy for feedback. Gluttony.vip Streaming: Netflix - $0.25 Hulu - $0.25 Spotify -$ 0.10 SlingTV (Orange or Blue) $5 Other Tools Gmail PVA - $0.30 NordVPN -$ 0.25 Adobe CC - $5.00 Discord: doubleagent#9700
  4. Any chance someone could reupload this? Very sad it was taken down so fast.
  5. Please only one person per account, if you try to log in to two emails from the same IP address, you WILL get the second one banned. I am opening an account shop doing custom and bulk PVA emails, gmail, edu, software keys, accounts etc... I'm not ready yet but still wanted to give something to the community, so here you go. inscalythcoun@protonmail.com 6lUziJmAFk paistatleufi@protonmail.com SmBJ2kkpDY inobinin@protonmail.com gE3htJ5ugE travortapi@protonmail.com aNlZsQ7K9g swirokorla@protonmail.com KIjKrlad1q artadispkows@protonmail.com U0yP9vHIon sarsbisystpat@protonmail.com RTvpZVdKxN chalkhunddisa@protonmail.com qVwbYSOn6l chlorderwheasi@protonmail.com 8G3Bm6YFpy submanonpart@protonmail.com xpmxOCoBzX daipospurag@protonmail.com 7CvmVMB3W1 bafephokum@protonmail.com 95AXtLk6wr ninfontlyni@protonmail.com guAEGGlDw5
  6. really hope this works, so many people posting this or similar version with nothing working.